urban & community development, with just a glass of water!
Single use PET bottles are not gentle to the environment
Producing PET recipients, extracting water, processing those bottles, distributing or disposing them, all of this is very energy consumming (considerable CO2 realised).
In Ozu, small attempts to reduce consumption of single use PET bottles saw the light in 2023 through the Ozu Refeel PROJECT. Four water servers, procuring mineral water extracted from nearby mountains, have been installed and are at the free disposal of visitors, provided they come with their own recipients.
What is Ozu Refeel Water?
Japan has abundant water resources.
Despite this, Japan indirectly consumes a lot of water resources from other countries, used in food processing industry
Some food and drinking water exporting countries are experiencing depletion of water resources.
Additionally, research has shown that CO2 emissions related to production of bottled water are 10 times higher, than those generated by the same volume, obtained from purified taps. What is cheap and convenient for us to consume does not necessarily mean that it is sustainable
In 2022, approximately 12,000 plastic bottles were purchased at Ozu City's Machi-no-Eki Asamoya. Our aims is to reduce those numbers.
And as a consequence, reduce water resources and CO2 emissions associated with plastic bottle sales and transportation and provide an opportunity to think about Sustainable even in small ways

*Reference Do well by doing good. Imperfect×FRAU SDGs<br>(From the results of joint research between Mitsubishi Chemical Cleansui and Tokyo City University Itsubo Laboratory)
Ozu City has decided to publicly offer "Zokkon Shikoku" water sourced from the Shikoku karst (50km away from central Ozu), stretching across the border between Ehime and Kochi prefectures. The drops created by this rich soil and topography over tens of millions of years are called ``Zokkon Water.''
This naturally fioltered water is commercialized without being heated or sterilized. When you come to Ozu City, please be sure to enjoy Shikoku water "Zokkon Shikoku".
Shikoku water “Zokkon Shikoku”
There are many pits called dolines in Shikoku Karst, and the water collected in these dolines passes through stalactites and is naturally filtered, creating mineral-rich water. We collect water little by little every day from the rich soil of karst, which is ideal for producing water, and above all, from this rare blessing of nature that has remained untouched.
"Zokkon Mizu" water is not heat-sterilized. There are no human settlements around Zokon Shikoku's water source, so it can be offered unheated. When heat sterilized, the composition of the water changes and physiological activity is lost. Oxygen and carbon dioxide gas, which determine the taste of water, are also lost. Heating will ruin a preciously extracted water. Therefore, when choosing natural mineral water, we recommend to aim for untreated, unheated water.
In addition, rain and snowmelt water that falls in Shikoku Karst dissolves mineral components as it travels through the karst ore layer.
It should be noted that it also contains mineral components such as silicon, sulfate, and vanadium.
Regarding the use of Ozu Refeel Water
How to Use
Ozu Refeel Bottle
Price: 1,980 yen (tax included)
Where to sell:
Ozu Machi no eki 'Asamoya'、Ozu Castle、Ozu Akarengakan、
It is sold at Iyo-Ozu Station Tourist Information Center.
bottle sales location