• OZU STORIES|Ozu castle-town regeneration stories

OZU STORIES|Ozu castle-town regeneration stories

OZU STORIES|Ozu castle-town regeneration stories

A local resident will convey his personal connection
and vision on Ozu’s regenerations efforts.

As a consequence of depopulation and economic decline, vacant houses started to pervade central Ozu. In order to withstand such threatening trends -and in an effort to preserve local culture-, Ozuʼs old district development focuses on the revitalization and reutilization of historic buildings, menaced by deterioration or abandonment.
On this visit, you will learn about the struggles and successes of these endeavours. By experiencing it in first person, you will be able to explore in-depth this pressing topic.

You, as a “Visitor”
Dive into Ozuʼs old district twists and turns

Through this visit, you will be able to experience the current state of Ozu while learning about the challenges the town has faced and the efforts it has made in pursue of its revitalization.

“Local ambassadors” to guide you
Conveyors of Ozuʼs regeneration stories and enhancers of interaction with the districtʼs neighbors.

We, Tsumugibito, aim to connect visitors with the town and its residents. While conveying the background of Ozuʼs machitukuri project, its local life and what lies ahead of Ozu.

Locals as “Machibito”
Locals, rooting for their town

Many local businesses are involved in Ozu’s town development. Some of them have been involved in town development since its inception. Listen and inquire about their experiences and their visions for Ozu.

Tour itinerary/overview

tour itinerary

List of local partner organizations

YATSUGI Non-profit

We take pride in preserving our fragile heritage. We clean up and manage vacant townhouses in Ozuʼs historic district, so that they can find a new life.
Click here for details

Ozu ʻRekishi Hanakairoʼ Club

We provide tourist guiding services through the castle town area of Ozu, from a unique local perspective. We also place great emphasis on training high-quality guides.
Click here for details

Konan District Townscape Activities Executive Committee

We hold events in the Konan area, (Ozuʼs historic district) and carry out activities to convey the charm of the town, promoting local culture and tourism town development.
Click here for details

ʻOzu Machitsukuriʼ on-going programs

Diego Academia

Focusing on interactions between Ozuʼs old-district and its environment we provide a place for locals interested in urban design , to regularly learn and debate about responsible and sustainable urban development in Ozu
Click here for details

Ozu Machitsukuri Daigaku

Study sessions where local businesses gather to learn about tourism town development and sustainable initiatives. In order to energize the town, we operate under the precept of “co-education, co-creation, and sharing.”
Click here for details

Tourism education

From elementary to senior high-school level, we hold regular seminars with local kids, fostering a sense of attachment among people who will lead the next generation. We aim to cultivate human resources for urban development in Ozu City
Click here for details

The meeting place

Ozu Tourist Information Center


Basic information

Time required Approximately 2 hours
Start time 10:00~16:00
You may choose your starting time
Number of people Up to 10 people
Tour fee(tax included) 〈1~5〉22,000yen/group
*4,400yen per additional person
〈10 people〉40,000yen/group


How to book ●Visit Ozu reservation system
We are preparing and will notify you as we start accepting applications.
●NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Castle Town Set Plan
We are preparing and will notify you as we start accepting applications.


Inquiry office Ozu Tourist Information Center (Reception hours: 9:00-17:00)
TEL +81-893-57-6655
Email ozu_tourist_info@kita-m.com
Planning KITA MANAGEMENT General Incorporated Association