Ozu attractions 

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For adults who know quality,
castle-town Ozu.

The Hiji River and its surrounding mountains infuse Ozu with a characteristic culture.
Upstream, one can encounter secluded and timeless mountain-village culture.
Mid course is where the river expands majestically. It hosts central Ozu, setting of its castle. This is an area where river-related transactions ensured cultural and economic progress .
Ozu's ukai is known in Japan as one of the three major cormorant fishing (ukai) venues.
Downstream, Nagahama area near the mouth of the river, flourished as a fishing and logistics base to the Seto Inland Sea.
Diverse cultures rooted in the region.<br>Exploring carefully each area, you will able to unfold Ozu's essence and beauty. 
Fancy to dive into unknow territories? .